United World Project

United World Project limpegno dei Giovani per un Mondo Unito

Youth for a United World as builders and “observers” of fraternity all over the world

Through the United World Project, Youth for a United World (New Humanity’s youth section) undertake to promote the ideals of the “Golden Rule” (“do unto others as you would have them do unto you”) and of Ubuntu (“I am what I am because of who we all are “).

The project calls on each member of society to live directly for fraternity, and to become an observer of reality, looking out for “good practices” which may help to a foster the culture of fraternity around the world, and which will ultimately involve local institutions andinternational bodies.


In this venture they will be strongly supported by New Humanity, an NGO recognised both by the UN and UNESCO.

Giovani per un mondo unito - www.giovaniperunmondounito.blogspot.it/ Read the article on the Youth for a United World Website
Giovani per un mondo unito - www.giovaniperunmondounito.blogspot.it/ Join the United World Project yourself