17.04.2012Rome: New Directive Council and Annual Report The 2012 Annual Assembly of the members of New Humanity appointed 5 new Advisers in the Board of Directors and published the Annual Report of organization activities.The... continue reading
2.04.2012ParisNew Humanity’s Delegation in Paris New Humanity’s Paris Delegation represents New Humanity at UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. During these years, New Humanity... continue reading
2.04.2012New YorkNew Humanity’s Delegation in New York New Humanity’s New York Delegation represents New Humanity at the United Nations Headquarters and at the United Nations Social and Economic... continue reading
2.04.2012GenevaNew Humanity’s Delegation in Geneva New Humanity’s Geneva Delegation represents New Humanity at UNOG, the United Nations center in the Swiss city (Palais des Nations). New Humanity... continue reading
30.03.2012RomeNew Humanity’s Headquarters in Rome Grottaferrata, a small town some twenty kilometers south of Rome, is home to the New Humanity International Headquarters and its main offices... continue reading
26.03.2012Headquarters and DelegationsHeadquarters and Delegations of New Humanity Rome: New Humanity’s Headquarters in Grottaferrata New York: Delegation at the ECOSOC Geneva: Delegation at the Palais des Nations Paris: Delegation... continue reading
26.03.2012Executive Council Members of the Executive Council of New Humanity President Marco Desalvom.desalvo@new-humanity.orgtel: +39-06-94315635Rome Headquarters Presentation Sheet Deputy Cecilia Landucci c.landucci@new-humanitytel: +39-06-94315635Rome headquarters Other Members Marco Aquini marco.aquini@new-humanity.orgRome... continue reading
26.03.2012Fields of Action New Humanity is composed by various Represented Organisations and collaborates with various Partners, which are specialised in its various Fields of Action and Specifical Sectors: Human and... continue reading
26.03.2012Represented Organisations Azione per un Mondo unitoAMU is a NGO constitued in 1986 and reconised suitable to realise projects of cooperation to the devellopment in the DC (Develloping Countries)... continue reading
26.03.2012Partners Partners of New Humanity New Humanity Movement New Humanity Movement aims to “bring back the soul of the cities” helping people to discover the personal contribution that... continue reading
26.03.2012International qualifications Organisation for which New Humanity is Qualified Nazioni Unite UNESCO Commissione Europea ECOSOC CINGOForum delle ONG di ispirazione cattolica a Ginevra... continue reading
3.02.2012NY: Battle against poverty, N. H.’s proposition to UN Space and interest for the New Humanity proposition about Poverty Eradication in occasion of the 50th session of the UN Commission for Social Development just focused in... continue reading
11.10.2011Paris: Symposium UNESCO about the “Dialogue Culture” UNESCO’s Symposium about the “Dialogue Culture” is an important event organised in 2011 by the UNESCO Joint Programmatic Commission (JPC) to the “Dialogue between cultures for peace”... continue reading
14.09.2011Geneva: Solidarity, Development and MDG8 To mark the 18th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (September 12 – 30), New Humanity and the Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII (Community of Pope... continue reading
26.08.2011About us: Activities archieve The Activities’ Archieve of New Humanity How far we have come since the foundation of “International Bureau of Economy and Work”! Let’s run through the most important... continue reading
26.08.2011About us: ValuesNew Humanity’s values and activities are based on the spirit of the focolari Movement, founded by Chiara Lubich in 1943 in Trento (Italy). She is UNESCO... continue reading
26.08.2011About Us: Presentation of New HumanityThe “New Humanity International Association” is a Non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 1986 and active in more than 100 Countries around the world. The aim of... continue reading
26.08.2011Legal notes this content is available only in original language Note legali per l’accesso e l’uso del sito www.new-humanity.org Ti preghiamo di leggere attentamente le seguenti condizioni d’uso poiché... continue reading
26.08.2011Further information on cookiesPrivacy Cookies are made up of portions of code installed within your browser which assist the performance of this website in order to achieve its end. Some... continue reading
5.08.2011Paris: Seminar on the occasion of 20 years of EoC In collaboration with theInstitutPolitique Léon Harmel (IPLH)Politique Léon Harmel (IPLH), seminar “TheEconomy of CommunionEconomy of Communion – issues and developments” to celebrate the 20th annivversary of EoC... continue reading
3.06.2011Geneva: Human Rights and Social Doctrine at the United Nations Palace Organised by New Humanity and developed in collaboration with the Forum of Geneva Catholic inspired NGOs in Geneva, seminar “The role of International Organizations before the Human... continue reading