Get to know the project that will train 180 project managers working with youth in the Mediterranean area

Throughout history, the Mediterranean basin has been a meeting point for cultures, for the exchange of traditions and lifestyles. At the same time, it has been and continues to be the scene of great suffering and struggle.
The “Mediterranean” is currently a priority theme within the framework of the European Union, as a way to encourage, especially among the younger generations, an exchange that promotes inclusion and dialogue. In this context the Erasmus+ project, co-financed by the European Union, was born with the title: “M.E.D.I.T.erraNEW: Mediation, Emotions, Dialogue, Interculturality, Talents to foster youth social inclusion in the Mare Nostrum”, in which New Humanity NGO acts as a partner entity together with 8 others from 5 countries (Italy, Spain, Croatia, France, Lebanon and Egypt) of the Mediterranean basin.
The genesis of the project is linked to previous significant experiences of the partners to promote initiatives of exchange, education, international volunteering, social inclusion of young people coming from familiar contexts of migration. Moreover, recent international conferences, such as those held in 2022 in Florence and in 2023 in Marseille, support the objectives of “MediterraNEW” to underline the educational and peace commitment of all participating entities.
The project is aimed at educators and trainers in the broadest sense of the word and will allow the sharing of good practices in different fields, will value the different experiences and will highlight the complementarities of interventions in the fields of well-being/affection and intercultural and interreligious dialogue, art, conflict mediation and reconciliation to promote integral and inclusive education. It is articulated in different phases where face-to-face and online training meetings are scheduled, as well as the elaboration of a multimedia pedagogical kit that each entity will have to adapt to the situation of its own country and to the social reality where it develops its activity.
In mid-February, a meeting of the project managers of the various entities was held in Florence, the city that hosts the headquarters of the “Centro Internacional La Pira”, the general coordinator of the project. It was a meeting to plan the various stages of the project and to get to know each other. The first two face-to-face training meetings will be held between April and May (Loppiano/Florence and Rome); the third will not take place until September and will be held in Beirut.