International conference for a social ecological transformation

11.01.2024 @ 8:00 – 13.01.2024 @ 12:00
Sophia Institute University
Via di S. Vito
48, 50064 Figline e Incisa Valdarno FI
International conference for a social ecological transformation @ Sophia Institute University | Figline e Incisa Valdarno | Toscana | Italia

Transversal Dialogue

Christianity and socialism have historically been at odds with each other, yet both have played a significant role in shaping the world we live in today. However, something has changed since the days of intransigent atheism and militant anticlericalism on the one hand and excommunication under the banner of irreconcilable anti-Marxism on the other. The project of a transversal social ethic (promoted by the Sophia University Institute and DIALOP) aims to bring these two communities together constructively and positively, despite the sufferings and challenges of yesterday and today. The importance of dialogue cannot be underestimated, especially in the face of global threats such as nuclear confrontation, the devastating impact of globalisation, wars, exploitation of resources, climate emergency and environmental degradation, policies to close doors to refugee and migrant flows, and much more. Despite these challenges, humanity has always produced and can still produce credible proposals to address the fundamental problems that our changing world is facing. In this context, Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato si’ has become one of the fundamental texts for understanding and navigating the current anthropological and ecological-social crisis. Rather than simply denying it, treating it with indifference or comfortable resignation, or thinking it can be solved by blind faith in technical solutions, it needs to be faced starting from a “new universal solidarity” (LS §14) founded – as we propose – in a transversal social ethic that requires the participation and involvement of each and everyone: individuals and institutions and governments, at the local and international levels.

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