New Humanity’s Historic Oral Statement at the UNESCO General Conference

4 November 2017, UNESCO
39th Session of the General Conference
For the first time on its history, New Humanity delivered an oral Statement at plenary session of the UNESCO General Conference of the member States. The NGO presented some good practices on the topic “How can violent extremism be stopped?”
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Fight against Terrorism. “How can violent extremism be stopped? How can we give the youth of our countries hope for peace?”
During her remarks, Ms Chantal Grevin, permanent representative of New Humanity in Paris, commended UNESCO for choosing, in recent years, to promote the concept of global citizenship as a key solution to such problem.
The commitment of young people. As their name evokes, the Youth for a United World (the young people of the NGO New Humanity) have embraced the idea of a global citizenship and take all the possible paths to build universal brotherhood.
A week dedicated to Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In her remarks, Ms Grevin reminded the audience of the United World Week: the event in which every year the New Humanity youth gather to make visible the universal fraternity actions that they have been promoting during the year in every part of the world.
Atlas of Fraternity. Since a few years ago, those witnesses have been collected in an atlas, which the young people have already brought to the UNESCO national commissions of their own country.
Recognition by the UN. At the end of her presentation, the representative of New Humanity in Paris highlighted how several other NGOs, the Catholic International Education Office (OIEC), and the International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE) are supporting the advocacy for the recognition of the United World Week by the United Nations. This initiative, and other similar ones, are promoting Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and will hopefully become the heritage of all, as an instrument to become a citizen of the world.
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