Geneva: New Humanity and other Christian Organisations Reflect about Contemporary Europe

Europe Idendity and Values

Round Table: “Europe: Which Identity? Which Values?”

Visser’t Hooft’s Room, Geneva’s Ecumenical Center, Le Grand Sacconnex, 21 April 2016

New Humanity and the other Catholic Inspired NGOs active in Geneva supported the Focolari Movement and the World Council of Churches on the organisation of this round table. The meeting has been the occasion to analyse the historical European experience and to identify and point out the better values and ideals to contribute to overcame the present crisis and to arrange the future of Europe. Concrete examples and ongoing projects has been presented as well, in order to inspire the European governance.
Prof. Pasquale Ferrara has been one of the main speakers of this event. He is a diplomat, the former Secretary General at the European University Institute and professor at the LUISS University and at the Sophia University Institute.

Streaming of the Event