Human Rights International Day: UNIRedes promotes a more Fraternal and Cohesive World

In the occasion of the 64th UN International Day of Human Rights – 10th December – UNIRedes launched its “Action Plan for a more Fraternal and Cohesive World.”The Manifesto has been signed by all the 50 Associations from 12 Countries of Latin America and Carribean which are part of this network and share the same engagement into the promotion of a new culture of fraternity. Many of these association collaborate with New Humanity and share the same aims and values.
With their signatures, UNIRedes’s Associations engaged themselves to:
1) Promoting in their environment a culture of respect and protection of the Human Dignity, Freedom and Rights.
2) Acting in order to encrease in their environment a firm conscience of each human being value and to promote this vision among the largest number of people.
3) Sharing experiences, good practices, material for their members education, needs and difficulties to develop a mutual suport across any geographical and linguistical barrier and to develop the certainity that we are all part of the same human family.
4) Supporting everybody who wants to cooperate, in order to make more visible and concrete the values of justice and fraternity, as powers able to recover any absence of dignity human beings would experience.
5) Launching a pubblic announcement to governmental institutions, the civil societies and people who are supporting any initiative and social action, in order to ask them to unify and gather their efforts and building a new world where human rights should be respected and warranted.