Project DialogUE: practising the art of dialogue

by Maria Grazia Berretta
Immersing oneself in the meaning of dialogue and confronting each other in order to live it concretely every day. This is the main objective of the 8 webinars promoted by the project « DialogUE: Different identities open allies to generate a united Europe ». A path to deepen and grasp the beauty of this art, open to all.
Can one understand each other among Christians, Muslims and other religions? Can one work together with those who, although of the same creed, live it with avant-garde expressions or, on the contrary, anchored to traditions? Can one understand each other between those who believe in an eternal God, and those who have no afterlife? How can we build a united Europe between eastern and western countries so different in history, culture, development, tradition?
These are the questions that drive the project DialogUE – Diverse Identities Allied Open to Generate a United Europe, a project born in Europe in particular through New Humanity NGO, because dialogue is a way of life; a mission to which we are committed on a daily basis at various levels together with many organisations that feel the same passion for building more fraternal societies.
Having received recognition and funding from the European Commission’s CERV programme, the aim of this project, which puts people and values at the centre, is to reap over a period of two years the fruits arising from the often challenging dialogue between different groups, in order to shape a Europe that is increasingly an expression of the ‘unity in multiplicity’ that is its purpose.
On this basis, and in collaboration with the Foundation « for Sophia », from 18 February 2023 it will be possible to participate in an in-depth study of the dialogue through an online course consisting of 8 appointments; webinars open to all to be followed in Italian with translation into English, French and Hungarian. The first four will allow us to immerse ourselves in the meaning of dialogue and will be conducted by Roberto Catalano, an international dialogue expert. This will be followed by four in-depth discussions in specific areas, offered by several voices and the expression of as many ongoing workshops in the area and among people and citizens of various countries in Europe. The calendar, with the various topics to be addressed, will be structured as follows:
- 18/02/2023 from 3 to 5 p.m. – The necessity of identity
- 21/02/2023 from 7 to 9 p.m. – Beyond the impossible. Experience of 2 years of online dialogue between East-West Europe
- 25/02/2023 from 15 to 17 – The inevitability of the ‘other’
- 03/03/2023 from 19 to 21 – Together for Europe
- 04/03/2023 from 15:00 to 17:00 – The Secret of True Relationship: The Golden Rule
- 11/03/2023 from 15:00 to 17:00 – Dialogue and Fraternity or Fraternity and Dialogue
- 23/03/2023 from 17 to 19 – Secularity versus Religion? Learning from opposites. The Experience between Christians and Marxists
- 25/03/2023 from 15:00 to -17:00 – Interreligious Dialogue: birth, developments and prophecy
A journey that responds to the need to communicate and discover the riches of each, specifically valuing what unites and looking at differences as fertile ground for growing patiently in respect of all.
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