Luxembourg: New Humanity Awarded with the World Peace Forum Prize 2015

Luxembourg Peace Price 2015
The 2nd of October 2015, New Humanity received the important Luxembourg Peace Prize 2015 at the European Parliament, Luxembourg.
The Prize has been awarded by the World Peace Forum, recognising New Humanity’s engagement into peace promotion during the last years. This has been done especially throught the organisation of the Living Peace Project in partnership with the Rowad American College in Cairo.
The World Peace Forum particularly appreciated the Living Peace Project because he involved around 300 schools in 103 worldwide Countires and thousands of professors and students.
Moreover, the last year also Mr. Carlos Palma, professor at the Rowad American College, was awarded with the same prize. So, this second prize confirms the important engagement into peace education of New Humanity and its partners throught the Living Peace Project.
“We remained so positively impressed – as it has been declared by Mr Marco Desalvo and Mrs Cecilia Landucci, representing New Humanity during the cerimony – certifing how all the Organisations which are part of the Forum are like a living “wave” for peace”. During the cerimony, various exponents of that organisations had the occasion to present their activities for peace promotion.
Also the two representatives of New Humanity presented the Living Peace Project and invited all the participants to sign and divulge the SignUpForPeace Document. This is a strong and involving appeal for peace which has been launched some days ago by the Youth for a United World – the Youth section of New Humanity.
This is just one of the new activities wich New Humanity will implement in order to actively promote peace. Some days ago it has been presented especially the new Living Peace Project Edition, promoting a worldwide involvement for peace-building among all the schools stakeholders.
You can easily participate: by inscribing your class untill October 30th, 2015; by living the peace “Dice” and “Timeout” practices; by launching initiatives in order to actively promote the peace, untill the final big event of May 2016.
Finally, the active cooperation of New Humanity with the other organisation present into the World Peace Forum will continue with the organisation of the 2016 edition of this Forum. This tenth edition will be held on next September in Florianopolis, Brazil.